2345首页 » 动物百科 » 奥尔膝芒寄蝇

所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 昆虫纲 » 有翅亚纲 » 双翅目 » 寄生蝇科 »

学名:Gonia olgae
Body yellow brown to dark brown in ground color with some yellow brown areas; some areas covered with ivory white to golden pruin osity; setulae yellow brown to black; body length 11.4 12.9 mm; wing length 8.2 8.5 mm. Head yellow brown in ground color, largely covered with golden pruinosity especially on frons and parafacilia; eye ratio 0.46 0.53; frons-head ratio 0.55 0.62; gena-eye ratio 0.25 0.34; flagellomere 1-pedicel ratio 3.11 4.00; arista-antenna ratio 0.58 0.61; medial vertical setae 0.56 0.66 as long as longest diameter of eye; lateral vertical setae 0.63 0.80 as long as medial vertical setae; ocellar setae 0.63 0.65 as long as medial vertical setae; postocellar setae 0.36 0.46 as long as medial vertical setae; paravertical setae 0.57 0.75 as long as post ocellar setae; vertex with black setulae; fronto-oribital plate with black setulae; two strong proclinate orbital setae; three strong reclinate orbital setae; frontal vitta with black convergent setulae; 7 9 frontal setae above level of aristal sockets; flagellomere 1 dark brown; anterior parafacialia with a row of 4 6 strong procli nate setae; posterior parafacialia covered with black setulae (about 0.6 as long as anterior parafacial setae); two strong supravibrissal setae; 5 strong sub vibrissal setae; gena with 6 7 genal setae and dense black setulae; postocular setae extended from upper eye margin to slightly beyond lower eye margin; occiput densely with relatively long, yellow brown setule; maxillary palpus with black setulae. Thorax dark brown in ground color with yellow brown pruinosity; prosternum laterally with black setulae; postpronotal lobe black setulose; notopleuron black setulose; postalar callus black setulose; proepisternum black setulose; proepimeron black setulose; anepister num with posterior vertical row of eight strong setae, densely with long black setulae; katepisternum black setulose; meron with posterior vertical row of eight setae, sparsely with black setulae; scutellum yellow brown with black setulae; with basal setae parallel, lateral setae divergent, subapical setae parallel, apical setae divergent, and discal setae parallel. Legs black with yellow brown pruinosity; fore coxa black setulose; fore femur black setulose; midcoxa black setulose; midfemur anteriorly with five mesal setae; hind coxa black setulose; hind femur with regular rows of anterodorsal, anterior, anteroventral and posteroven tral setulae; hind tibia with three ventral setae. Wing hyaline with brownish tinge; wing-thorax ratio 1.79 1.98; vein R4 5 ratio 3.04 3.35; vein M ratio 1.31 1.38; subcostal-costal ratio 0.62; base of R4 5 with 5 7 black setulae; haltere with stem yellow brown and knob dark brown. Abdomen almost entirely black with some yellow brown areas, with black setulae; tergite 1 2 laterally with yellow brown area, with strong median marginal and lateral marginal setae; tergite 3 laterally with yellow brown area, anteriorly with ivory white pruinosity, with median marginal and lateral marginal setae; tergite 4 laterally with yellow brown area, anteriorly with ivory white pruinosity, with a row of strong marginal setae; tergite 5 heavily pruinose, with a row of strong marginal setae.Genitalia yellow brown to dark brown, with yellow brown to brown setulae; sternite 5 posteriorly with deep median cleft 0.7 sternite length; epandrium dorsally with strong brown and weak yellow brown setulae; cercus with long, dense brown setulae; apex of cercus pointed in posterior view; surstylus about 0.4 cercus length, apically, laterally yellow brown setulose; pregonite apically with several yellow brown setulae; epiphallus apically pointed